Gonzalo Prado González

Birth Date: 25th november 1948
Birth Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)
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-Studies on Business and Banking (Cunef).

-Master degree in European Communities, Pontifical University of Salamanca.

-Master degree in Economy, Finance and Taxation (Esime, Madrid).

-Course on the Independence War in Galicia (Menéndez Pelayo University).

-University course for Adults of the University of Vigo (2008-2009-2010).

-Participation in “Cruceiros de Galicia”, a conference celebrated in Poio – Pontevedra (2009).

-Participation in “Cruceiros de Galicia”, a conference celebrated in Sobroso – Pontevedra (2010).

Professional activity: he was a bank director for thirty-five years (Bankinter in Lugo, BNP España in Palencia, León and Vigo and Caja Madrid in Vigo).

 Work & Activities

He has been a researcher on Galician Medieval History. He wrote:

-La Liberación de Vigo (Guerra de la Independencia).

-ARTE POPULAR E PATRIMONIO HISTÓRICO: Cruceiros e Cruces de Pedra de Terras de Fragoso (2009).

-As Guerras de Galicia e Portugal (2010).

-O Condado de Turonio.

-Casas solariegas, iglesias e súa historia en Terras de Fragoso.

 Other Interesting Aspects

He is a member of ‘Asociación de Estudios Históricos de Galicia’ and ‘Asociación de Amigos de los Pazos de Vigo’.
Hobbies: Photography, golf and dancing.
blog: http://gonzaloprado.blogspot.com