-Industrial engineer (University of A Coruña).
-Diploma on Advanced Studies (University of Santiago de Compostela) with the work 'Avaliación do potencial eólico offshore no Concello de Ribeira (A Coruña)'.
-Doctor’s degree in Sustainable Development at the Catholic University of Ávila. He based his doctoral thesis on the energetic efficiency of buildings and the implementation of renewable energy systems.
-MA in Risk Prevention at San Pablo CEU University.
-Teacher of Secondary Education (Specialty: Energetic systems).
-Director of the Infrastructure Management Office, University of Santiago de Compostela (2005-2011).
-Responsible for Energy and Viability of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
-Professor collaborator of the MA in Renewable Energies and Energetic Sustainability at the University of Santiago de Compostela since 2012.
-Delegate of the Industrial Engineers Association in Santiago de Compostela since December 2013.
-Author of “A eólica, unha nova fonte de enerxía”, “A enerxía solar no século XXI” and “Xestión enerxética e mantemento de instalación en edificios” as well as a lot of scientific articles in national and international magazines, including articles in the Journal Citation Report.
-Editor of ‘Revista Gallega de Energía Dínamo-Técnica’ since 1999 up to date.
-Canarias Prize of the Spanish Council of Industrial Engineers for the best articles about energy and environment published in 2012 in the magazine ‘Técnica Industrial’.
-‘Rehabilitación Galicia’ Prize in 2013 for his article “Renovation of Windows in the Building of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain): Energetic and Environmental Study, published in Journal Environmental Protection Ecology (JEPE) Volume 13. nº2 (August 2012)”.