Antonio Rey Soto

Category: Priest, poet, playwright, bibliophile
Birth Date: 18th February 1879 († 20th February 1966)
Birth Place: Santa Cruz de Arrabaldo (Ourense)

He studied Philosophy and Theology at the Seminary in Ourense. In 1901, he was ordained as priest and then improved his studies at University in Santiago and Madrid. In 1920, he became a member of the Galician Academy. Shortly after, he went into exile and travelled to Cuba. He had his house broken in at the very beginning of the Civil War and his valuable library was in danger. He came back again to Galicia and stayed in Ourense. In 1956, when he was already an old man, he left Ourense and moved to Santiago. Then he went back to Madrid, where he spent the last days of his life.

 Work & Activities

As far as poetry is concerned, he wrote in Galician language the poems O mosteiro de San Esteban de Ribas de Sil (1903) and O Pazo (1907). In 1911, he published the poetry book Nido de áspides. In 1917, he wrote two new poems in Galician language titled O vento and Nome-Numen. In 1931, he published a news book titled El crisol del alquimista. In 1948, he wrote Never More, Cantar d'Amigo and Sonata de primavera. Antonio Rey Soto also wrote two theatre plays: Amor que vence al amor and Cuento del Lar. In relation to narrative, he published in 1915 a series of stories titled Remansos de paz, campos de guerra and an essay about the Quixote in 1916. In 1918, he published the novel La loba. During the period of time he spent in America, he wrote some chronicles in the newspaper El Mundo using the general title "El gorro de dormir" and published Los surcos de España, Los gallegos en Guatemala, La copa de cuasia and Estampas guatemaltecas. He also collaborated in the newspaper El Imparcial in Guatemala. Antonio Rey Soto collaborated in different newspapers such as O tío Marcos da Portela de Lamas Carvajal, La Tribuna and El Liberal. He also published two important research works: Galicia en el tricentenario de Lope de Vega and Galicia venera y venero de España. Besides, he translated into Galician language some short poems by Byron titled A máis funesta saeta and published in Galician language one of the first versions of a satirical paragraph by Horacio: Escola de larpeiros.