He arrived in Galicia in 1767 and started his business in 1770. In 1788, he started the building of the iron and steel industry of Sargadelos - Cervo (Lugo). He began to manufacture war material (bullets, bombs, grapeshot) for the Spanish army. In 1804, he created in Sargadelos one of the most important crockery and pottery factories in Spain and he planned to create a glass factory in 1806 but he died. He could not open a textile factory either.
He wrote many works and manuscripts such as Discurso sobre la frecuencia de los estragos de las inundaciones en España, Espíritu de los mejores diarios, Discurso político y apologético sobre el proyecto de las fábricas de hierro que ha propuesto S. M. y tiene previsto establecer en los montes de Rúa, Memoria sobre el fomento del arbolado en Galicia y Asturias, Real Hacienda. Economía Política. Informe sobre el arreglo de derechos de aduanas, etc...
He was murdered by a group of Asturian militiamen that came in Galicia at the beginning of the Peninsular War, accusing him of sympathizing with the enemy.