Ángel Fernández López

Birth Date: Paradela (†Lugo)
Birth Place: 14th January 1935

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He studied Secondary Education in Lugo and took a degree in Philosophy and Arts (Pedagogy Section) at the University of Barcelona (1968).
Minor thesis: “Inventario de Actividades Escolares para el Desarrollo de la Creatividad”, University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (1970).
He took a doctorate course at the University of Alcalá de Henares (1970-71) and studied Psychology at the same university.

 Work & Activities

He has worked as a teacher for eleven years. From 1974 to 2005 he was inspector of Primary Education, carrying out his functions in León, A Coruña and Lugo.

-“La Espera y la Esperanza”, El Progreso, Lugo (1963).
-“Necesidade de creación duna Escola en San Vicente de Paradela (Lugo)”, El Progreso, Lugo (1966).
-“A educación dos nenos de Aprendizaxe Lento”, El Progreso, Lugo (1968).
-“A Creatividade na Educación Xeral Básica”, Servicio Español del Magisterio, Madrid (1971).
-He coordinated the programmes of the medium cycle of Primary Education in the area of Social Sciences, published by the Consellería de Educación in 1985, together with Francisco Río Barja, Javier Cortizo Nieto, Jesús Costa Rodil and Evaristo Domínguez Rial.
-He was on the research team codirected by Professors Luis Suárez Fernández and Miguel Anxo Santos Rego, from the University of Santiago, that carried out the project “Orientación Escolar e Acción Titorial en Galicia” (2001/2002).
-“Paradela: Terra de Contrastes”, El Progreso, Lugo (July 2006.)
-“Paradela: Terra de Contrastes”, El Progreso, Lugo (November 2006).

BOOKS: “El Monasterio Cisterciense de Santa María de Castro de Rei (Paradela)”, Lugo County Council (2006).